Full Gospel Church / Wayne Parks Ministries

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The Slave Who Established a Church

His name was Richard Allen—a slave. With permission of his owners, he began attending Methodist meetings and learned to read and write. At 16 his was saved, and amazed his owners by working harder than anyone else—wanting to prove His Christianity to others. After inviting a minister to visit his owners, his master too was converted to Christ after hearing that slave owners would be judged by God. At 26, arrangements were made for Richard to be set free.

Richard went on to become a licensed exhorter, and established the African Methodist Episcopal Church. By March 26, 1831—the day he died—that church group had grown to over 10,000 in membership.

Know this: God is not limited. If God can free and use a slave, then He is not hindered by your situations or circumstances. God is able to deliver and use even you.

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