Full Gospel Church / Wayne Parks Ministries

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Rejected, Unwanted...Blessed

So many of us grow up learning that we are unwanted. Unwanted by other kids. Unwanted by certain teachers. Unwanted by certain relatives—sometimes even our own parents! As we get older we feel unwanted by the supervisor at the job; unwanted by the loan company; unwanted by those around us.

Let me tell you about a man who grew up in the Midwest. Some didn’t want him because of his looks. He wasn’t wanted when he went into politics, and kept losing elections. By some amazing stroke he was elected President of the United States, but was hounded and rejected by the newspapers of his day. Then he was assassinated. But today Abraham Lincoln is one of the most respected and honored Presidents of our nation.

In Genesis, Joseph was rejected by his brothers. He was almost killed by them, but was sold into slavery instead. In Egypt, he earned his way to be head servant in Pontifar’s house, but the wife of this Egyptian lied about him, and Joseph was sent to prison. This man suffered a total of thirteen years of rejection, separation from family, and misery. But through a miracle, Joseph was made the highest ranking leader in Egypt, under Pharaoh. He led the nation through 7 years of plenty, and 7 years of famine.

As well, he and his family were eventually reunited. Are you feeling rejected and unwanted? GOOD! Cheer up! You are in the right place for God to work a miracle for you!

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