Full Gospel Church / Wayne Parks Ministries

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Vote Righteous

November is election month. And there are primary elections as well that occur earlier in the year. Strange things happen in elections, and we reap the results. The question to ask is, “Why Vote?” Let me tell you why.

At first, the United States, a republic form of government, a structure of law and representation, was designed by our forefathers as a religious nation. More than that: it was a nation that was founded on the Bible. But in the late 1800s, anti-Christian forces began the process of “reinventing” the United States, and for more than 130 years have steadily turned the U.S. away from Christ and the Bible to socialism and atheistic materialism. In the early 1960s they successfully outlawed God and the Bible from the government schools, and immediately followed the explosion of illegal drugs, loose morals, greater scholastic failures and dropouts in school, more and more illegitimate births, legalized millions of abortions, and other destructive behavior in the our nation.

One other development began in the latter 1800s as well. Certain minister types began to preach that the church should not be involved in government. This was totally opposite to what the founding fathers had established for our nation--a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The lack of involvement added to the freedom of these antichrist political groups to tear down the spiritual and moral foundations of our country. Now, violence and other evils are almost out of control, with more and more people winding up in jail or prison--or dead!

You need to vote, and vote for righteous people. You covenant with those you vote for. Vote righteous. And if you sense God's calling into government service--whether legal, political, or administrative--do it with all you heart and strength for the glory of God and Christ.

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