Full Gospel Church / Wayne Parks Ministries

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Caring for the Sheep


I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and Hs Kingdom; preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine. (2 Timothy 4:1,2,3a)

Quite a charge given to the pastor and quite a responsibility.

It’s not easy being a pastor. The accountability alone before the Lord is overwhelming.

Obey them that have rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they must give account, that they do it with joy and not with grief: for this is unprofitable for you. (Hebrews 13:17)

Can you imagine the responsibility given to the pastor to watch for the souls of the sheep (the local assembly), and then give account for it to the Captain of your salvation? That is a little overwhelming when you think about it. But that’s exactly what the pastor must do. Besides the studying and preaching and teaching of the Word, the care and watch for their souls, and being a servant with kindness to all. That’s a tall order but that’s what a man or woman—when he or she receives the call of God—MUST do in order to fulfill the great commission from Jesus Christ.

I speak from experience; having pastored three churches (for over 20 years), I have been through the ‘thick and the thin’ of it. The many baptisms of fire: the struggle with a wayward member of the flock, having to smile through the tears at times, even being maligned, ostracized, lied on and misrepresented. Yes, there is MUCH to the pastorate and there are many who have left the ministry because of the pressures and the stress. But your pastor Dr. Wayne Parks has weathered the storm, twenty four years of it, and has proven himself to be a true shepherd in every sense of the word.

Pastoring a congregation is a gift that takes a rare combination of administrative, spiritual, and other important qualities. Pastors tend to be an under-appreciated lot. If church members tend to think of their pastor at all, it is usually only during Sunday mornings when the sermon goes too long—and those thoughts aren't any I'd care to repeat! May I suggest that we take the time to see our pastor as a true servant of God who is called to lead us as we live out our Christian lives? So, the next time you see your pastor, say thanks for making a difference in your life.

Thank You, Pastor.

You work vigorously, often neglecting personal needs to give us comfort and direction. You do so much, yet you receive so little in return. We take time out this Day to acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of your leadership.

Dr. Letitia McPherson
Back to Basics Ministries
(Written for Full Gospel Church. Used by permission.  Edited for general audiences)

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